
北野政雄心中惊骇不已他很清楚东瀛没有多少降部队仅有一一个特种降旅已经马都拉岛死得差不多了现还要组织一次大规模降战那能是能是连还训中准伞兵都搜刮过来了!天照大神啊难道首相大人要将东瀛降兵最后一点精血都挤出来么!他沉说“首相阁你要冷静这场战争我们已经输了再继续投入兵力能是给华军送军功这样做会耗尽东瀛国防力量!这种牺牲毫意义!” 一向儒雅高桥首相嘶怒吼“不我们还没有输!华国于华人建国案还没有联合国安理会获得通过也不可能获得通过!苏联已经答应直接出动降师帮助我们了!北野君我要求你再坚持几个小时要再坚持几个小时我们 就可反败胜了!” 苏联人也掺和进来了! 北野政雄觉得浑身发冷首相疯了么居然把苏联人都给拉进来了!苏联人亚洲野心是路人皆知他们一直如介入亚洲事而犯愁因整个亚洲防他们防得比贼还严没想到首相居然大大方方邀请他们过来了!想到北极熊那永远不知道饱足胃口再想想北极熊那粗暴蛮横风北野政雄就不寒而栗失态叫“你们疯了么居然将北极熊拖进来了!难道你们不知道这样做极有可能会引发苏联华国面战争最终将整个亚洲都拖入战乱中么!?” 高桥首相音尖厉“政治事情你别管我自有分寸你管打仗就行了……就算整个亚洲都被血海淹没我们也不会便宜支那人!” 北野政雄手颤抖他知道首相现已经陷入疯狂了战争失利他受到反对党疯狂攻击国际和国压力已经将他逼疯了!他已经失去了理智不管你说什么他都听不进去了那又必再说呢尽力做好自己事情然后听天由命吧 After the satellite talk, Masao Kitano was silent for a long time and finally reached the order to let the first division of the third division stick to … “我们不能跟支那人谈判更不能向支那人投降否则大和民族花了百年时建立起来自信就将灰飞烟灭我们将成世界笑柄!”卫星话里高桥首相嘶力竭咆哮着嘶哑地叫着如同一头掉进了陷阱野兽“我们还没有输!我们翔鹤号航母战斗群马就要到达攻击位置了我们降部队正结将几个小时后起飞你们很快就能得到你们想要支援……你们想要什么我就给你们什么我有一个要求必坚持去决不能向支那人低头!”Read more

Of course, Shang Tang Lian still doesn’t recognize that many people need to say hello to their families. In Shang Tang Lian’s view, this is still not a big deal. Then what is the big deal? What does Shang Lian think is a big deal? After all, people who want to live together must get along well. This is a long-term problem, even if it is not a big deal, it is also a big deal. Shang Tang Lian doesn’t want to face family disharmony every day when she goes home, which will make her whole body unhappy like in her previous life. Since she took control of two houses, she has never gone back to see those people’s faces,

Thought of here, Shang Tang Lian’s tone was mild. "Don’t think too much. This is my initiative. The old woman is different from the average person. I can see that she is also a story, … Of course, Shang Tang Lian still doesn’t recognize that many people need to say hello to their families. In Shang Tang Lian’s view, this is still not a big deal. Then what is the big deal? What does Shang Lian think is a big deal? After all, people who want to live together must get along well. This is a long-term problem, even if it is not a big deal, it is also a big deal. Shang Tang Lian doesn’t want to face family disharmony every day when she goes home, which will make her whole body unhappy like in her previous life. Since she took control of two houses, she has never gone back to see those people’s faces,Read more

Of course, what makes Jane feel the most is not that Qin Yue gave her these material things, but Xiao Ran Ran and Ozawa are what she cares most about.

When she woke up, she found that Xiao Ran Ran and Ozawa had improved a lot. Although Xiao Ran doesn’t rely on Ozawa as much as her fierce brother, Ozawa will also love this sister … Of course, what makes Jane feel the most is not that Qin Yue gave her these material things, but Xiao Ran Ran and Ozawa are what she cares most about.Read more

Yuan Qing pondered for a while and also issued a sigh, "This child seems to be very different after a Dragon Boat Festival. Don’t let me give her a pulse. The attitude towards friends is also turned upside down, as if it were under a spell."

Liu Ma and Li Shifu were suddenly dismissed without a reason, and their attitude towards us was cold. What I can’t figure out most is that her body is swollen. It is reasonable to say … Yuan Qing pondered for a while and also issued a sigh, "This child seems to be very different after a Dragon Boat Festival. Don’t let me give her a pulse. The attitude towards friends is also turned upside down, as if it were under a spell."Read more

"Call me Julia. I don’t want anything more with men. Thank God for taking away his evil soul. I will definitely help you!" Julia took Miao into the villa.

At the moment, I really don’t understand how Julia can have a wife to thank her husband for leaving. It’s really bad enough in Tavin. "My husband doesn’t see me once a year, and women … "Call me Julia. I don’t want anything more with men. Thank God for taking away his evil soul. I will definitely help you!" Julia took Miao into the villa.Read more

"You are really shameless!" Lu Yijia’s patience is running out. "I haven’t told my uncle and aunt about you and Gao Qing. You’d better leave early."

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Xia Shuang unpreparedness asked. "A lowly girl like you wants to fly branches and be a phoenix. Forget it!" Lu Yijia proudly held high. "My engagement with … "You are really shameless!" Lu Yijia’s patience is running out. "I haven’t told my uncle and aunt about you and Gao Qing. You’d better leave early."Read more